On Linux:
step1: if your server port already running at port 8080 then, firstly we have to kill this process for this open your terminal and type
lsof -w -n -i tcp:8080
which shows all the list of open file which is running at port 8080. if you type
lsof -w -n -i tcp:9090 if your server is running with port 9090 which shows all the list of open file which are running at port 9090. Here, lsof stand for ls = list and of = opened file. You can see list with pid number.
lsof -w -n -i tcp:8080
which shows all the list of open file which is running at port 8080. if you type
lsof -w -n -i tcp:9090 if your server is running with port 9090 which shows all the list of open file which are running at port 9090. Here, lsof stand for ls = list and of = opened file. You can see list with pid number.
step2: type sudo kill -9 6911 where 6911 is pid number. Here 9 has its own meaning which is defined as kill command "SIGKILL" you can see this by type in terminal as kill -l . You can use -SIGKILL instead of -9.
step3: run your application.
On Windows:
- Open and run command prompt as administrator and type following command:
netstat -ano | findstr :8080
This command will find and list the process that uses this port.
Now, we need to kill the process, for this use following command:
taskkill /pid 5884 /f
Where 5884 is the PID number. Use your PID number which is obtained previously.
oho dami dai.. :) hb been searching this easy one.. !! thank you